Beware the red snake! Told from the perspective of a young boy, The Red Snake is a story of the above boy, the house he inhabits, and the forest around his house that stretches on and on. The characters in the story are all mad: his grandfather, who sports a massive growth on his jaw; his grandmother, who believes she is a chicken; his father, who is vicious to the chickens he raises (except for his mother, to whom he provides eggs that so that she can claim she laid them herself); and his sister, whose affection for insects borders on the erotic. The story evolves into a classic nightmare.

The Hino Horror series:

Hino Horror Volume 1: The Red Snake (赤い蛇 Akai Hebi)

Hino Horror Volume 2: The Bug Boy (毒虫小僧 Dokumushi Kozou)

Hino Horror Volume 3: Oninbo and the Bugs from Hell (地獄虫を食う! 鬼んぼ Jigoku Mushi Woku! Oninbo)

Hino Horror Volume 4: Oninbo and the Bugs from Hell 2

Hino Horror Volume 5: The Living Corpse (死肉の男 Shiniku no Otoko)

Hino Horror Volume 6: Black Cat (黒猫の眼が闇に Kuroneko no Me ga Yami ni)

Hino Horror Volume 7: The Collection (M Collection)

Hino Horror Volume 8: The Collection 2

Hino Horror Volume 9: Ghost School (Ghost School (HINO Hideshi))

Hino Horror Volume 10: Death's Reflection

Hino Horror Volume 11: Gallery of Horrors (Kyoufu Gallery)

Hino Horror Volume 12: Mystique Mandala of Hell (Kaiki! Jigoku Mandara)

Hino Horror Volume 13: Zipangu Night

Hino Horror Volume 14: Skin and Bone

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