Tensei Saki Ga Zannen Ouji Datta Ken: Ima Wa Fukkin 1-Kai Mo Dekinai Kedo Yasete Isekai Sukuimasu
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- Alternative: 転生先が残念王子だった件 ~今は腹筋1回もできないけど痩せて異世界救います~; That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Disappointing Prince; Tensei Saki ga Zannen Ouji Datta Ken
- Genres: Manga Online, Comedy
- Author(s): Kaifukushi
- Status: Ongoing
- Date: 30-11-2024, 18:35
- Views: 0
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A young man who gets into a plane crash while returning from a business trip overseas is reincarnated into another world after being asked by the goddess to defeat the evil god.However, he was reincarnated as a stupid prince who is known among the aristocrats as the "Pig Prince" because of his fat and ugly appearance. If you can't even do one sit-up, how are you going to defeat the evil god? This is the story of the Pig Prince's struggle to lose weight![hr]Indonesian:
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