During the reign of Philip IV of France, Acre is in the midst of a war between the invading Mamluks and the Knights Templar trying to protect the Holy Land. On the day when Lea's family decided to leave by boat to escape the threat of war, Lea is forced to go into the middle of the war to return the sword entrusted to her by the leader of the Knights Templar. However, when she arrives trembling with the sword firmly strapped to her back, she witnesses the leader's death, and in a moment of danger, she meets Balta, the beautiful knight she had dreamed of since childhood. But this was not the time for her to indulge in such sentiments. The sword had lost its owner, and the atmosphere in the Knights Templar is somewhat strange. “It’s dangerous to go alone, I will take you there.” --Written by the same author as The Golden Forest--

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