Videogames x Showa Culture x Glamour! A voluptuous and fascinating book for those that enjoy the Showa Era and playing video games! A large collection of stories, published in Harta by Benitsubaki's author, Takahashi Hirona, all in one volume!
Two glamorous folk tales, including "Glamorous-suteyama", a glamorous rearrangement of the Ubasuteyama legend!
When a witch fostering a planet sprays it with some water, torrential rains begin to pour from above in "My first planet"
"Shiramari" is a super idol whose singing voice makes people so happy they could die!
And of course, the series of 16 shorts "It's okay to play games", the antithesis of being given a cold look while you're playing video games!
Full of bright, fantastical ideas, all these gems from Harta's new wave, Takahashi Hirona, in a single volume!

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