It's time for revenge on the perpetrators who escaped the law! 'Seung-ah (22/female)', a national air pistol gold medalist who lived a moderately conscientious and moderately selfish life, conformed to reality. When her younger sister, whom she loved more than her own life, dies in a car accident right before her eyes, Seung-ah's life falls apart miserably. A headhunter from the secret organization 'Scorpion Time', which directly punishes human scum, comes to her, and she learns that her younger sister's death was not a simple car accident. With nothing left to lose, Seung-ah accepts the offer to join, and through training, she grows into an action agent! She reaches the true identity of 'Shin Yu-rim (31/female)', the head of the group 'Faust', which supports those who commit crimes using money and power as weapons...

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