A compilation of Zurikishi's Heretic Slayer Knight oneshots:
1.) Yuri no Aida ni Hasamaru Gedou o ◯rosu Kishi / The Knight Who M*rders Yuri Ruiners
- A story about a knight who slays fuckboy heretics that get in the way of yuri.
2.) Gedou YariCir o ◯rosu Kishi / The Knight who M*rders Fuckboy Heretics
- A story about a knight who slays fuckboy heretic members of college fuck clubs that try to rape women.
3.) Gedou NTR Otoko o ◯rosu Kishi / The NTR Man Slayer Knight
4.) Gedou NTR Otoko o ◯rosu Kishi 2 / The NTR Man Slayer Knight 2
- Stories about a knight who slays heretics that try to commit NTR and rape.

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